Current members

Dr Jungmyung Kim (Postdoctoral Research Associate)
Dr Kim is former Research Professor at Changwon National University (Republic of Korea). His research focus was on porous electrode for water-based flow batteries. He joined the HWU as a PDRA from April 2023, and the main focus is on the thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle (TREC) for the RFB application (EPSRC-funded position).

Olaya Salvado Recarey (PhD student)
Olaya Salvado Recarey obtained her Chemical Engineering degree in Spain and Poland. She also has a master’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the study on charge carrier transport processes of solar cells. She also has worked in the applications department of a thin-film coating company based in the UK for four years. She started her PhD project at HWU from September 2021, and the main focus is on the solar rechargeable redox flow batteries.

Joe Russell (MSc student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Design of lab-scale PEC redox flow cell

Tasneema Akhtar (Erasmus MSc student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Scaling-up of solar-rechargeable redox flow battery

Anton Guy (MSc student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Theramlly-boosted alkaline water electrolysis (Solar heat collector design part)

Nicolas Lecourt (MSc student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Theramlly-boosted alkaline water electrolysis (Alkaline water electrolyser part)

Jose Borquez Borquez Maldifassi (MSc student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Screening of redox couples for thermally regenerative redox flow battery

Alberto Natali (4th year project student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Experimental redox flow battery testing under dynamic thermal condition

Silas Gethin (4th year project student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Experimental redox flow battery testing under dynamic thermal condition

Ewan Drummond (4th year project student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Theoretical I-V behaviour modelling for solar redox flow battery

Scott Differ (4th year project student; 2022/2023)
Theme: Scaling-up of solar-rechargeable redox flow battery

Quentin Lazennec (BSc intern student from Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
Theme: Theramlly-boosted alkaline water electrolysis (3D design part)